An image of Scott Johnson, the B2b SaaS Copywriter

Saving your SaaS from bad copy

    I am a B2b SaaS copywriter for emerging brands seeking growth through content marketing.


    Investing in your message


    More than ever, top-line software products and marketing efforts need written content that captures the ethos and tone of a brand. Market saturation means you need to communicate your worth so you don’t get lost in the masses.

    Sales are driven off of the community and audience of customers you are able to foster. These kinds of groups form around compelling ideas, concepts, and messages. While visuals and design play a significant part in adding flavor to a brand, a product or website’s written prose will be the foundational medium for getting the message across.

    I take companies and products with complex concepts and solutions and break them down to tailor-made copy aimed directly at your target audience.

    ‘He can beef up the simplest phrasing’

    “I’m was blown away by the expertise and professionalism. Scott Johnson is an insane writer and can capture emotions with words so well. I love his writing style and how he can beef up even the simplest phrasing.”

    – Daniel Barnett, RTR Pro Entertainment Owner

    Get the copy you need


    Website Copy

    Sharpen up your website with cutting-edge content strategies and SEO optimization.

    Product Content

    Communicate the value of your services and products with your target audience.

    Blog/Press/White Page

    Build an audience with valuable industry content that will drive traffic and build contacts

    Email Campaigns

    Roll outs, newsletters, and promotional series. Boost click-ins, opens and conversions.

    ‘5 Stars — Excellent freelancer

    – Brianne Jospeh, Sly Fox Investigations

    Still on the fence? Let’s talk


    Impeccable communication

    Once we agree on the project, I’ll send you a simple, preliminary questionnaire to identify any expectations and desires. From there, I’ll work with you to fill in gaps and clarify industry-standard language. We’ll discuss my drafts and then I give you a final draft ready to go live.


    I’m not leaving you high and dry

    Once your content goes live, I provide 30-day quality control period to make sure everything is published as intended and desired. Baring a complete re-write, I’ve got you covered with any edits required.


    Bank on professional feedback 

    I’m going to be bring my field of expertise to the table. If something you’ve asked for doesn’t help you toward the goal you’ve communicated with me, I’m going to let you know and provide at least three alternatives to bounce off of you. But at the end of the day, this is your product and your website, and you’ll get the final call.

    Learn more about us →